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VA11a (an abbreviation of our founding home Ved Amagerbanen 11a) is an association of creatives, operating from Amager, København. The collective workspace is based upon a simple and manageable subscription model, intended to open up for a broad range of members across creative disciplines and with varied patterns of attendance.

We operate as a non-hierarchical office community that was founded on 1st January 2019 and consists of ~25 members who have roots in varied aspects of the creative industry. Our dream is to create new thoughts on architecture, design, art and performance by utilising our interdisciplinary skills from our differing creative backgrounds.

Over the past three years VA11a has grown into a hub for creative freelancers in København, where its members are ‘working alone together’ supporting one another as well as collaborating on occasion.

From the outset it has been our intention to nurture an identity that would grow naturally without prescribing to specific ideals on how we should work; therefore we would not restrict our individual creative processes. However, we still outlined our practice with 4 key principles to guide us;
  1. Challenge the existing office structure; operate as a radically non-hierarchical workplace - that only solves problems when they arise.
  2. Affordability; be financially accessible for all.
  3. A platform for action; involving local communities, encouraging experimentation, knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  4. Cross disciplinary membership; having a diverse group of members, that covers a broad spectrum of interests.

VA11a 2025 ©